10 Best E-commerce Loyalty Plugins 2024

published on 14 July 2024

Here's a quick overview of the top e-commerce loyalty plugins for 2024:

  1. Smile.io
  2. Yotpo
  3. LoyaltyLion
  4. Growave
  5. Rivo
  6. BON Loyalty
  7. Rise.ai
  8. TapMango
  9. Kangaroo Rewards
  10. Antavo

These plugins help online stores keep customers coming back by offering:

  • Point systems
  • Tiered rewards
  • Referral programs
  • Personalized rewards

When choosing a loyalty plugin, consider:

  • Ease of use and setup
  • Customization options
  • Integration with your current tools
  • Reporting capabilities
  • Cost vs. potential benefits

Quick Comparison:

Plugin Main Features Starting Price
Smile.io Points system, works with Shopify POS $199/month
Yotpo Integrates with other Yotpo tools $250/month
LoyaltyLion Customizable rewards, multi-platform $159/month
Growave Customizable, good reporting $99/month
Rivo Multi-platform, detailed reports $149/month
BON Loyalty Customizable, works on major platforms $99/month
Rise.ai Customizable, multi-platform $149/month
TapMango Customizable, works on major platforms $99/month
Kangaroo Rewards Multi-platform, detailed reports $149/month
Antavo Customizable, works on major platforms $99/month

All plugins offer free plans for small stores or those just starting out.

E-commerce Loyalty Plugins Explained

Main Features of Loyalty Plugins

E-commerce loyalty plugins help online stores keep customers coming back. Here are the key features:

Feature Description
Point systems Customers earn points for buying, sharing, or other actions
Tiered rewards Customers move up levels to get better rewards
Referral programs Customers get rewards for bringing in new shoppers
Personalization Plugins offer custom rewards based on what customers like and buy

How Loyalty Plugins Work with E-commerce Platforms

These plugins work well with online store platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce. They're easy to set up and use. Once installed, they:

  • Track what customers do
  • Give out points
  • Offer rewards

All this happens right in the store's existing system.

Advantages of Using a Loyalty Program

Loyalty programs can help online stores in many ways:

Advantage How It Helps
More customer interaction Customers visit and buy more often
Repeat purchases Shoppers come back instead of going to other stores
Stronger brand connection Customers feel closer to the store and tell others about it
Better understanding of customers Stores learn what shoppers like and how to keep them happy

How to Choose a Good Loyalty Plugin

When picking a loyalty plugin for your online store, think about these key points:

Is It Easy to Use and Set Up?

Look for plugins that are:

  • Simple to install
  • Quick to set up
  • Easy to use with your current store system

Choose plugins with clear instructions and a simple dashboard.

Can You Change It to Fit Your Needs?

Pick a plugin that lets you:

  • Create your own rewards
  • Set your own point values
  • Make the program match your store's style

Does It Work with Your Other Tools?

Make sure the plugin fits with:

  • Your online store platform
  • Other apps you use
  • Your payment system

This helps avoid problems and keeps everything running smoothly.

What Information Does It Give You?

Good plugins should show you:

Information Why It's Useful
Customer buying habits Helps you understand what shoppers like
How well the loyalty program is doing Shows if your rewards are working
Money earned from loyal customers Proves if the plugin is worth the cost

Is It Worth the Money?

Think about:

  • How much the plugin costs
  • How much more money you might make
  • If it will help keep customers coming back

Compare these things to decide if it's a good deal for your store.

10 Best E-commerce Loyalty Plugins for 2024

Here's a look at the top 10 e-commerce loyalty plugins to help keep customers coming back and boost sales.

1. Smile.io


Smile.io lets you set up a points system for your store. Customers can earn points for buying things, signing up for emails, or telling friends about your store.

Main Features:

  • Points system you can change
  • Reports on how well it's working
  • Good help when you need it
  • Works with other tools like Shopify POS and Mailchimp


  • Free plan
  • Paid plan: $199/month

Good For:

  • Bigger stores that want good customer help

2. Yotpo


Yotpo works well with other Yotpo tools. It has a free version for small stores. You can give rewards for purchases and referrals.

Main Features:

  • Works well with other Yotpo tools
  • Free for small stores
  • Rewards you can change
  • Works with tools like Klaviyo and ReCharge


  • Free plan
  • Paid plans from $250/month

Good For:

  • Small to medium stores looking for a cheap or free option

3. LoyaltyLion


LoyaltyLion helps you make a rewards program that fits your store. It works with many online store platforms.

Main Features:

  • Rewards program you can change
  • Different levels of rewards
  • Works with Shopify, Magento, and BigCommerce
  • Good reports on how it's doing


  • Free plan
  • Paid plans from $159/month

Good For:

  • Stores that want a full rewards program they can change

4. Growave


Growave lets you make a rewards program that works for your store. It has good reports to show how well it's doing.

Main Features:

  • Rewards program you can change
  • Different levels of rewards
  • Works with Shopify, Magento, and BigCommerce
  • Good reports on how it's doing


  • Free plan
  • Paid plans from $99/month

Good For:

  • Stores that want a cheap option with good reports

5. Rivo


Rivo helps you make a rewards program for your store. It works with many online store platforms and gives good reports.

Main Features:

  • Rewards program you can change
  • Different levels of rewards
  • Works with Shopify, Magento, and BigCommerce
  • Good reports on how it's doing


  • Free plan
  • Paid plans from $149/month

Good For:

  • Stores that want a full rewards program with good reports

6. BON Loyalty

BON Loyalty

BON Loyalty lets you make a rewards program that fits your store. It works with many online store platforms.

Main Features:

  • Rewards program you can change
  • Different levels of rewards
  • Works with Shopify, Magento, and BigCommerce
  • Good reports on how it's doing


  • Free plan
  • Paid plans from $99/month

Good For:

  • Stores that want a cheap option with good reports

7. Rise.ai


Rise.ai helps you make a rewards program for your store. It works with many online store platforms and gives good reports.

Main Features:

  • Rewards program you can change
  • Different levels of rewards
  • Works with Shopify, Magento, and BigCommerce
  • Good reports on how it's doing


  • Free plan
  • Paid plans from $149/month

Good For:

  • Stores that want a full rewards program with good reports

8. TapMango


TapMango lets you make a rewards program that fits your store. It works with many online store platforms.

Main Features:

  • Rewards program you can change
  • Different levels of rewards
  • Works with Shopify, Magento, and BigCommerce
  • Good reports on how it's doing


  • Free plan
  • Paid plans from $99/month

Good For:

  • Stores that want a cheap option with good reports

9. Kangaroo Rewards

Kangaroo Rewards

Kangaroo Rewards helps you make a rewards program for your store. It works with many online store platforms and gives good reports.

Main Features:

  • Rewards program you can change
  • Different levels of rewards
  • Works with Shopify, Magento, and BigCommerce
  • Good reports on how it's doing


  • Free plan
  • Paid plans from $149/month

Good For:

  • Stores that want a full rewards program with good reports

10. Antavo


Antavo lets you make a rewards program that fits your store. It works with many online store platforms.

Main Features:

  • Rewards program you can change
  • Different levels of rewards
  • Works with Shopify, Magento, and BigCommerce
  • Good reports on how it's doing


  • Free plan
  • Paid plans from $99/month

Good For:

  • Stores that want a cheap option with good reports
Plugin Main Features Cost Good For
Smile.io Points system, good reports, works with other tools Free plan, $199/month paid plan Bigger stores needing good help
Yotpo Works with Yotpo tools, free for small stores Free plan, from $250/month paid plans Small to medium stores wanting cheap options
LoyaltyLion Changeable rewards, works with many platforms Free plan, from $159/month paid plans Stores wanting a full, changeable program
Growave Changeable rewards, good reports Free plan, from $99/month paid plans Stores wanting cheap options with good reports
Rivo Changeable rewards, works with many platforms Free plan, from $149/month paid plans Stores wanting a full program with good reports
BON Loyalty Changeable rewards, works with many platforms Free plan, from $99/month paid plans Stores wanting cheap options with good reports
Rise.ai Changeable rewards, works with many platforms Free plan, from $149/month paid plans Stores wanting a full program with good reports
TapMango Changeable rewards, works with many platforms Free plan, from $99/month paid plans Stores wanting cheap options with good reports
Kangaroo Rewards Changeable rewards, works with many platforms Free plan, from $149/month paid plans Stores wanting a full program with good reports
Antavo Changeable rewards, works with many platforms Free plan, from $99/month paid plans Stores wanting cheap options with good reports

Comparing the Top 10 Plugins

Features Comparison

Here's a quick look at what each plugin offers:

Plugin Point System Tier Rewards Works With Shows Reports
Smile.io Yes Yes Shopify POS, Mailchimp Yes
Yotpo Yes Yes Klaviyo, ReCharge Yes
LoyaltyLion Yes Yes Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce Yes
Growave Yes Yes Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce Yes
Rivo Yes Yes Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce Yes
BON Loyalty Yes Yes Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce Yes
Rise.ai Yes Yes Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce Yes
TapMango Yes Yes Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce Yes
Kangaroo Rewards Yes Yes Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce Yes
Antavo Yes Yes Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce Yes

All these plugins offer basic features like point systems and tier rewards. They also work with big online store platforms and give you reports on how well they're doing.

Pricing Comparison

Here's how much each plugin costs:

Plugin Free Plan Paid Plan
Smile.io Yes $199/month
Yotpo Yes Starts at $250/month
LoyaltyLion Yes Starts at $159/month
Growave Yes Starts at $99/month
Rivo Yes Starts at $149/month
BON Loyalty Yes Starts at $99/month
Rise.ai Yes Starts at $149/month
TapMango Yes Starts at $99/month
Kangaroo Rewards Yes Starts at $149/month
Antavo Yes Starts at $99/month

All these plugins offer a free plan, which is good for small stores or those just starting out. The paid plans vary in price, with Yotpo being the most expensive and Growave, BON Loyalty, TapMango, and Antavo being the cheapest options.

When picking a plugin, think about what features you need and how much you can spend. The free plans are a good way to try out a plugin before you buy it.

Picking the Right Loyalty Plugin for Your Business

Choosing a good loyalty plugin for your online store can be hard. Here's how to pick one that works for you:

What Does Your Business Need?

Think about what you want the plugin to do:

Feature Examples
Rewards Points, tiers, referrals
Actions to reward Buying, reviews, social shares

Make a list of what you need most.

How Much Can You Spend?

Look at the costs:

Cost Type What to Consider
Price plans Free trials, monthly fees
Other costs Setup, upkeep, help

Pick one that fits your budget and helps your business.

Will It Work with Your Current Systems?

Check if the plugin fits with:

  • Your online store platform
  • How you take payments
  • Other tools you use

Choose one that works well with what you already have.

Can It Grow with Your Business?

Pick a plugin that can keep up as your business gets bigger:

Growth Factor Questions to Ask
More customers Can it handle more people?
More sales Can it process more orders?
New features Can you add or remove options easily?

Choose a plugin that can change as your needs change.

Tips for Using a Loyalty Plugin

How to Set Up Your Loyalty Program

To set up a good loyalty program:

  1. Know your customers and what they like
  2. Pick rewards that fit your business
  3. Choose a plugin that's easy to use and works with your store
  4. Make your program look and sound like your brand
  5. Tell customers clearly how to earn and use points

Making Rewards Fit Your Brand

Your rewards should match your business:

Business Type Reward Ideas
Fashion store Early access to new items, special discounts
Food shop Free shipping, money off popular foods

Look at what customers buy and offer rewards they'll want.

Telling Customers About Your Program

Let people know about your loyalty program:

  • Send emails
  • Post on social media
  • Put up signs in your store
  • Add messages to your website

Give special deals to members only. Share stories from happy customers to show how good the program is.

Checking and Improving Your Program

Keep an eye on how your program is doing:

What to Check Why It's Important
How many people join Shows if customers like the program
What rewards are popular Helps you know what to offer more of
Customer feedback Tells you what to fix or change

Ask customers what they think and use their ideas to make the program better.

What's Next for E-commerce Loyalty Plugins

As we move into 2024, e-commerce loyalty plugins are changing to keep up with new tech and trends. Here's what's coming:

AI in Loyalty Programs

AI is making loyalty programs smarter:

AI Benefits Description
Custom offers Gives each customer deals they'll like
Smart predictions Guesses what customers might want
Fraud detection Spots and stops fake accounts
Task automation Does routine jobs without human help

More Personal Loyalty Experiences

In 2024, loyalty programs will focus on making each customer feel special:

  • Using customer data to give rewards they'll want
  • Sending messages that fit each person
  • Creating experiences that match what customers like

Loyalty Programs on Mobile

As more people shop on phones, loyalty programs need to work well on mobile:

Mobile Features Benefits
Apps Easy to use on the go
SMS Quick messages about points and deals
Push notifications Alerts about new rewards

Connecting with Other Marketing Tools

Loyalty programs will work better with other marketing systems:

Tool How It Helps
CRM Keeps all customer info in one place
Email marketing Sends reward updates to inboxes
Social media Shares loyalty program news on platforms customers use

By linking these tools, stores can see how customers act across different places and make better plans to keep them happy.

These changes will help stores make loyalty programs that work better, keep customers coming back, and help make more money.


Key Points About Loyalty Plugins

Loyalty plugins for online stores help keep customers coming back, boost sales, and gather useful information. We've talked about:

  • Why customer loyalty matters
  • How loyalty programs help stores
  • Top 10 loyalty plugins for 2024
  • What to look for in a good plugin
  • How to pick the right one for your store

Choosing Your Loyalty Plugin

When picking a loyalty plugin, think about:

Factor What to Consider
Your needs What do you want the plugin to do?
Your budget How much can you spend?
Your current tools Will it work with what you have?

Pick a plugin that's:

  • Easy to use
  • Can be changed to fit your store
  • Works with your other tools
  • Shows you how well it's doing

By choosing the right plugin, you can:

  • Get customers more involved
  • Keep them coming back
  • Make more money

Keep an eye on new trends in loyalty plugins to stay ahead of other stores.

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