10 Best PWA Frameworks & Tools 2024

published on 17 July 2024

Looking for the top Progressive Web App (PWA) frameworks and tools in 2024? Here's a quick rundown:

  1. React
  2. Angular
  3. Vue.js
  4. Ionic
  5. Polymer
  6. Magento PWA Studio
  7. ScandiPWA
  8. Svelte
  9. Preact
  10. Lighthouse

Each tool has its strengths for building fast, responsive PWAs that work offline and feel like native apps. Here's how they compare:

Framework Best For Ease of Use Performance
React Large, complex apps Moderate High
Angular Enterprise-level projects Steep learning curve Good
Vue.js Small to medium projects Easy High
Ionic Cross-platform mobile apps Moderate Good
Polymer Custom web components Moderate High
Magento PWA Studio E-commerce sites Complex Good
ScandiPWA Magento-based stores Moderate High
Svelte Lightweight apps Easy Very high
Preact Small, fast apps Easy Very high
Lighthouse Testing PWA quality Easy N/A

Choose based on your project needs, team skills, and performance requirements. Consider factors like community support, learning curve, and integration with existing systems when picking the right PWA framework for your project.

Key Features of PWA Frameworks and Tools

When picking a PWA framework or tool, look at these main features. They can make a big difference in how you build your app and how well it works.

Code Reuse and Modularity

PWA tools let you reuse code and break it into smaller parts. This helps you:

  • Write cleaner code
  • Fix problems more easily
  • Update your app without much trouble

Better Performance

PWA tools help your app run faster by:

  • Splitting code into smaller pieces
  • Loading parts of the app only when needed
  • Saving important information for quick access

Offline Use and Notifications

PWAs can work without internet and send messages to users. PWA tools help with:

  • Making your app work offline
  • Sending updates to users' devices

Works with Web Tech

PWA tools use common web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This makes it easier to:

  • Build your app
  • Keep your app up-to-date

Help from Others

Many people use PWA tools, so you can get help when you need it. You'll find:

  • Lots of information online
  • Other developers to ask questions

Works on Many Devices

PWAs can work on phones, tablets, and computers. PWA tools make sure your app:

  • Looks good on different screen sizes
  • Works well on various devices

Here's a quick look at these features:

Feature What it Does
Code Reuse Lets you use the same code in different parts of your app
Better Performance Makes your app run faster and smoother
Offline Use Lets people use your app without internet
Web Tech Support Works with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Community Help Gives you access to help from other developers
Multi-Device Support Makes your app work on phones, tablets, and computers

1. React


React is a popular tool for building Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). It's a JavaScript library that helps create user interfaces.

Overview and Key Features

React was made by Facebook in 2013. It's good for:

  • Building single-page and multi-page apps
  • Loading content quickly
  • Using JavaScript with HTML (called JSX)
  • Adding extra features with packages

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Many tools available More complex than plain JavaScript
Large community for help Need to know JSX
Easy to make bigger No set way to use it
Can be used in different ways More choices can mean more problems
Not too hard to learn
Works fast
Can be used for web and phone apps

Best Use Cases

React works well for:

  • Apps that handle lots of data
  • PWAs that work offline
  • Apps that send notifications
  • Single-page and multi-page apps
  • Projects where you want to reuse code

2. Angular


Angular is a tool for making Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). It's made by Google and helps build complex web apps.

Overview and Key Features

Angular uses JavaScript to make web apps that change and respond to users. It has many features that help developers build big, complex apps. Angular is good for:

  • Making code easy to manage
  • Building apps that can grow
  • Helping teams work together on big projects

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Many people use it, so you can get help Takes time to learn
Makes building apps faster Can be hard to use at first
Good for big apps Building apps can take longer
Easy to add new features

Best Use Cases

Angular works well for:

  • Big PWAs with lots of features
  • Apps that need a clear way of organizing code
  • Projects that need many tools working together
  • Teams who like using common web development methods

Angular is a good choice if you're making a big, complex PWA and have time to learn how to use it.

3. Vue.js


Overview and Key Features

Vue.js is a good tool for making Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). It's known for being easy to use, which makes it a good choice for people who are new to building PWAs. Vue.js is simpler to learn than React.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Easy to use and understand May not work well for very big, complex PWAs
Updates the screen automatically when data changes
Many people use it, so you can find help and tools

Best Use Cases

Vue.js works well for:

  • Small teams or developers who don't know a lot about JavaScript
  • Projects that need to be built quickly
  • Making PWAs that work well and are easy to use, but aren't too complex

Vue.js is a good choice for many projects because it's simple to use but still has many features.

4. Ionic


Overview and Key Features

Ionic is a tool for making Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). It's used by many developers and is based on Apache Cordova and Angular. Ionic has many ready-made parts for Android and iOS apps. Developers use these parts to make web pages that work inside the device's browser using WebView.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Free to use May not be best for very complex apps
Easy to learn Requires knowledge of Angular
Simple to maintain Performance can be slower than native apps
Many plugins available

Best Use Cases

Ionic works well for:

  • Big projects that need a strong framework
  • Developers who know how to use Angular
  • Projects that need to be changed a lot

Ionic is a good choice if you want to make a PWA quickly and don't mind using Angular. It's free and has many tools to help you build your app.

5. Polymer


Overview and Key Features

Polymer is a free tool made by Google to help build Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). It gives developers many ready-to-use parts, patterns, and tools. With Polymer, you can make custom elements using regular web tech like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Reusable web parts Not good for search engines
Easy to use and keep up Pages take longer to load
Often updated with new features No official coding tool
Helps build full web apps

Best Use Cases

Polymer works well for:

  • Big web apps that need reusable parts
  • PWAs that need to share data across devices
  • Projects that need lots of custom changes
  • Developers who like a light and flexible way to build PWAs

Polymer is good if you want to make custom parts for your PWA and don't mind some extra work to make it work well with search engines.

6. Magento PWA Studio

Magento PWA Studio

Magento PWA Studio is a set of tools for making Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) with the Magento online store platform. It helps you build, set up, and manage a PWA.

Overview and Key Features

Magento PWA Studio is made by Magento to help create web apps. It works well with Magento 2 and has tools to build PWA storefronts. With these tools, developers can make PWAs that work better and faster for users.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Uses Magento's current setup to save time Hard to use if you're not an expert
Has many tools to manage PWAs Doesn't work well with older Magento versions

Best Use Cases

Magento PWA Studio is good for:

  • Developers who want to use Magento's online store setup
  • Store owners who need lots of tools to manage PWAs
  • Projects that need to work well with Magento 2
  • Businesses that want their apps to work well and fast for users

7. ScandiPWA


ScandiPWA is a ready-to-use PWA theme for Magento 2. It helps create a headless storefront quickly and easily.

Overview and Key Features

ScandiPWA is a new Magento 2 front-end built with React. It works with most Magento features and makes the site easier to use. With Scandi, you can:

  • Change the theme using file overrides
  • Add new features with plugins
  • Make your store load faster

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Pages load quickly Needs Magento 2.3 or newer
More people buy from your store Might take extra time to set up
Shows up higher in search results Not many options to change how it looks

Best Use Cases

ScandiPWA works well for:

  • Magento 2 store owners who want a faster website
  • Developers making a headless storefront
  • Businesses trying to sell more online
  • Projects that need a smooth shopping experience

8. Svelte


Overview and Key Features

Svelte is a newer tool for making Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). It works differently from other tools. Instead of changing the webpage as it runs, Svelte turns your code into a smaller, faster program before it's used.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Small and fast Fewer people use it, so less help available
Easy for developers to use New users might need time to learn it
Growing number of users and tools

Best Use Cases

Svelte is good for:

  • Making fast, small PWAs
  • Projects where speed is important
  • Developers who like simple tools

But if you need lots of ready-made parts or want more people to ask for help, other tools on this list might be better.

9. Preact


Overview and Key Features

Preact is a small JavaScript tool for making Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). It's like React, but smaller and faster. Preact works well with React, so you can use React parts in Preact.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Small and fast Fewer users than React
Easy to learn Not as many features as React
Works with React

Best Use Cases

Preact is good for:

  • Making fast PWAs
  • Building small apps quickly
  • Making interactive websites
  • Creating PWAs that need to work fast

Preact is small and fast, which makes it good for building quick apps. If you know React, you can easily use Preact too.

10. Lighthouse


Overview and Key Features

Lighthouse is a free tool from Google that checks web apps and PWAs. It helps you make better PWAs by testing:

  • If your app works offline or with bad internet
  • How fast it loads
  • If it's safe to use
  • If it's easy for everyone to use

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Shows what to fix Need some tech know-how
Gives detailed reports Takes time to run tests

Best Use Cases

Lighthouse is good for:

  • Checking PWAs for speed, ease of use, and search engine friendliness
  • Finding ways to make your PWA better
  • Making sure your PWA works well for users

Lighthouse helps developers build better PWAs. It shows what's working and what needs fixing, so you can make your app better for users.

Comparison of PWA Frameworks and Tools

Here's a simple comparison of the top PWA frameworks and tools, showing their main features, speed, and uses:

Framework/Tool Main Features Speed Uses
React Virtual DOM, parts-based design Fast Big, growing PWAs
Angular Two-way data flow, built-in tools Medium Large business PWAs
Vue.js Easy to learn, quick updates Fast Small to medium PWAs
Ionic Works on many devices, looks like native apps Medium Mobile apps, PWAs
Polymer Reusable web parts Fast Complex PWAs
Magento PWA Studio Works with Magento, PWA-ready Fast Online store PWAs
ScandiPWA Fast loading, works with Magento Fast Online store PWAs
Svelte Small size, turns code into fast programs Fast Small to medium PWAs
Preact Small size, works like React Fast Small to medium PWAs
Lighthouse Checks PWA quality, helps make PWAs better N/A Making PWAs better

This table gives a quick look at each framework and tool. It shows what they're good at and not so good at. When picking a PWA framework or tool, think about what your project needs, like speed, ability to grow, and how easy it is to use.

How to Pick the Right PWA Framework or Tool

When choosing a PWA framework or tool, think about these things:

Look at What Your Project Needs

Before picking a tool, know what you want to build:

  • How big is your project?
  • What must your PWA do?
  • How much money can you spend?
  • What do your developers know?

Check What the Framework or Tool Can Do

After you know what you need, look at what each tool offers:

  • What are its main features?
  • How does it handle hard tasks?
  • Is it easy to learn?
  • Does it work well with other tools?

Look at Help and Support

It's good to have help when you need it:

  • Are there many people using the tool?
  • Can you find answers easily?
  • Are there examples of projects like yours?

Think About Speed and Safety

Your PWA should be fast and safe:

Feature What to Check
Speed How fast does it load?
Safety Does it keep data safe?
Offline Use Can it work without internet?


Picking the right PWA framework is key to making a good app. We've looked at 10 top PWA frameworks and tools in this article. When choosing one, think about:

  • How big and complex your project is
  • What your team knows
  • How fast you need the app to be
  • How much help you can get from others

Remember to focus on making your PWA:

  • Fast
  • Easy to use
  • Able to grow

Here's a quick look at what to think about when picking a framework:

Factor What to Consider
Project Needs Size, features, budget
Framework Features Main tools, how it handles tough tasks
Help Available User community, examples, answers to questions
Speed and Safety Load time, data protection, offline use

Keep learning about PWAs as they change and grow. There's always more to know, whether you're new to coding or have been doing it for years.


What is the best platform for PWA?

Angular is often used for making Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). It's a tool that uses JavaScript to build PWAs. Google made Angular in 2010, and many people use it because it's easy to split into parts. The newest version, Angular 13, came out in November 2021.

How do I choose the right PWA framework?

When picking a PWA framework, think about:

Factor What to Look At
Project needs How big is it? What must it do? How much money can you spend?
Framework features What tools does it have? How does it handle hard tasks?
Help available Are there many users? Can you find examples and answers?
Speed and safety How fast does it load? Does it keep data safe? Can it work offline?

Can any website be a Progressive Web App?

Yes, any website can be a PWA. But not all websites will get the same benefits from being a PWA. Think about:

  • What's on your website
  • Who uses your website
  • What devices they use to see your website

If you're not sure, ask a PWA expert if your website would be better as a PWA.

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