Cloud Caching Strategies: 10 Techniques

published on 29 June 2024

Cloud caching is vital for fast, reliable online marketplaces. Here are 10 key caching techniques:

  1. Cache Aside
  2. Read Through
  3. Write Around
  4. Write Back
  5. Write Through
  6. Distributed Caching
  7. Multi-Level Caching
  8. Content Delivery Network (CDN) Caching
  9. In-Memory Caching
  10. Time-Based Caching

Each method has pros and cons for speed, data consistency, and resource use. Choosing the right technique depends on your specific needs.

Technique Best For Key Benefit
Cache Aside High-read, low-write data Reduces database load
Read Through Frequently accessed data Improves read performance
Write Around Write-heavy workloads Optimizes write speed
Write Back Burst write operations Enhances write performance
Write Through Data consistency Ensures up-to-date cache
Distributed Caching Scalability Improves system reliability
Multi-Level Caching Complex systems Balances speed and consistency
CDN Caching Global content delivery Reduces latency for users
In-Memory Caching Speed-critical applications Fastest data retrieval
Time-Based Caching Frequently changing data Balances freshness and performance

Effective caching improves user experience, increases sales, and boosts overall system performance.

1. Cache Aside

How It Works

Cache Aside is a way to make websites and apps faster. Here's how it works:

1. When someone asks for information:

  • The system first checks if it's in the cache (fast storage)
  • If it's there, it gives the information right away
  • If not, it gets the information from the database and puts a copy in the cache

2. This helps because:

  • The database doesn't have to work as hard
  • People get their information faster

How It Helps Performance

Cache Aside makes things work better:

Benefit Explanation
Faster responses Information is ready in the cache
Less database work The database isn't asked for information as often
Smoother experience Users don't have to wait as long

Where It's Used

Cache Aside works well for websites that:

  • Have lots of people looking at the same information
  • Need to show information quickly

For example:

  • Online stores showing product details
  • Social media sites showing user information
  • Marketplaces showing listings and prices

Problems to Watch Out For

Using Cache Aside can be tricky:

1. Keeping information the same:

  • The cache and database need to match
  • You have to update or remove old information from the cache

2. When information isn't in the cache:

  • It takes longer to get
  • The database has to do more work

2. Read Through

How It Works

Read Through Cache makes websites and apps faster. Here's how:

  1. When someone asks for information:

    • The cache checks if it has the data
    • If it's there, it gives the data right away
    • If not, it gets the data from the main storage, saves a copy, and then gives it out
  2. This helps because:

    • People get information faster
    • The main storage doesn't have to work as hard

How It Helps Speed

Read Through Cache makes things faster:

Benefit Explanation
Quick answers Often-used data is ready in the cache
Less work for storage The main storage isn't asked for data as much
Works well far away Helps when the main storage is in a different place

Where It's Used

Read Through Cache works well for:

  • Websites that show the same content to many people
  • Apps that need to give out information quickly
  • Online stores showing products and prices
  • Data tools that look at the same numbers often

Things to Watch Out For

Using Read Through Cache can be tricky:

Challenge What It Means
Keeping data up-to-date Making sure the cache and main storage match
Lots of changes Might not work well if data changes often
First-time slowness Getting data for the first time can be slow

To fix these issues, you can:

  • Set times for data to expire
  • Update the cache when data changes
  • Use other caching methods for data that changes a lot

3. Write Around

How It Works

Write Around is a caching method that:

  1. Writes data straight to the database
  2. Skips the cache when writing
  3. Checks the cache when reading
  4. If data isn't in the cache, it:
    • Gets it from the database
    • Puts it in the cache
    • Sends it to the app

Speed Benefits

Write Around helps when:

Situation Benefit
Data is written once Keeps cache clear
Data is read rarely Saves cache space
Data might not be read again Avoids unnecessary caching

When to Use It

Write Around works well for:

  • Log files
  • Chat messages
  • Data that's not often read

It can work with other caching methods too.

Problems to Watch For

Problem Solution
Cache and database might not match Use ways to remove old cache data

4. Write Back

Write Back is a way to make computers work faster. It lets the computer keep working on a task while it saves data in the background.

How It Works

  1. The computer writes data to a quick storage area called a cache
  2. It keeps working on other tasks
  3. Later, it moves the data from the cache to the main storage

Speed Improvements

Write Back makes computers faster because:

Benefit Explanation
Less waiting Computer doesn't stop to save data
Fewer writes Saves data in big chunks, not small bits
Better for busy systems Helps when there's lots of work to do

When to Use It

Write Back works well for:

  • Systems that change data often
  • Computers that need to keep working without stopping
  • Places where it's okay if the newest data takes time to save

Things to Watch Out For

Problem Why It Happens
Data loss risk If the computer crashes, new data might not be saved
Data mismatch Different parts of the system might have different data
Complex setup Needs careful planning to work right

To use Write Back well, make sure you have ways to:

  • Keep data safe if something goes wrong
  • Check that all parts of the system have the same information

5. Write Through

How It Works

Write Through is a way to keep data the same in two places:

  1. When new data comes in, it's saved in the cache first
  2. Right after, it's saved in the main database
  3. This makes sure the cache and database always match

Speed Effects

Write Through can slow things down:

Good Not So Good
Cache always has new data Takes longer to save data
Reading data is faster Writing data is slower

It's best for systems that need up-to-date information all the time.

Where It's Used

Write Through works well for:

  • Money systems
  • Live data tracking
  • Places where having the newest info is very important

Problems to Watch For

Problem Why It Happens
Slower writing Saving in two places takes time
More complex setup Need to manage two storage areas

To use Write Through well:

  • Make sure your system can handle slower writes
  • Check that both storage areas work together smoothly

6. Distributed Caching

How It Works

Distributed caching stores data across many computers. Here's how:

  • Uses memory on each computer to store data
  • Copies data to multiple computers
  • Keeps data safe if one computer stops working

Speed Improvements

Distributed caching makes things faster:

Benefit Explanation
Less database use Saves time by not asking the database as often
Faster answers Gets information from nearby memory
Handles more users Can add more computers to help when busy

Where It's Used

This type of caching works well for big, busy systems like:

  • Online games
  • Social media sites
  • Online stores
  • Systems that look at data right away

Things to Watch Out For

Using distributed caching can be tricky:

Challenge What It Means
Keeping data the same Making sure all computers have the right information
Dealing with broken computers Knowing what to do if a computer stops working
Keeping data safe Making sure only the right people can see the information
Growing bigger Adding more computers when you need to store more

7. Multi-Level Caching

How It Works

Multi-level caching uses several layers of quick storage to make getting data faster and more reliable. Here's how it works:

  • Stores data in different layers of quick storage
  • Each layer acts as a buffer
  • Reduces how often the system needs to ask for data from the main source

Speed Improvements

Multi-level caching makes things faster by:

Benefit How It Helps
Fewer requests to main data source Less waiting time
Faster data access Information is closer and quicker to get
Better handling of many users System can work well even when busy

Where It's Used

This type of caching works well for:

  • Busy websites
  • Systems spread across many computers
  • Big company systems with lots of data

Things to Watch Out For

Using multi-level caching can be tricky. Here are some problems to solve:

Problem What It Means
Keeping data the same Making sure all layers have the right information
Syncing caches Getting all layers to work together
Removing old data Knowing when to get rid of outdated information
Managing caches Keeping all layers working well

To use multi-level caching well, you need to plan carefully and keep an eye on how it's working.

8. Content Delivery Network (CDN) Caching

How It Works

CDN caching puts website files on servers around the world. This helps users get files from a server near them, making websites load faster. To use CDN caching:

  1. Add a CDN to your website
  2. Set up the CDN to store files like images and videos
  3. Tell the CDN how long to keep files

Speed Improvements

CDN caching makes websites faster:

Benefit Explanation
Faster loading Users get files from nearby servers
Less work for main server CDN handles many file requests
Can handle more users Spreads work across many servers

Where It's Used

CDN caching works well for:

  • Big websites with users all over the world
  • Sites with lots of visitors
  • Websites with many pictures or videos
  • Online stores
  • News sites

Things to Watch Out For

Using CDN caching can be tricky:

Problem What It Means
Keeping files up-to-date Making sure all servers have the newest files
Setting up file rules Telling the CDN which files to keep and for how long
Adding to your website Making sure the CDN works well with your site

To use CDN caching well, you need to plan carefully and check how it's working often.

9. In-Memory Caching

In-memory caching stores often-used data in a computer's memory (RAM). This makes getting data much faster than from a database or hard drive.

How It Works

To use in-memory caching:

  1. Choose a tool like Redis or Memcached
  2. Set up the tool between your app and database
  3. Store common data in the cache

Speed Improvements

In-memory caching makes apps faster by:

Benefit Explanation
Quicker data access Getting data from memory is very fast
Less work for databases Fewer database queries needed
Can handle more users System works better when busy

When to Use It

In-memory caching works well when:

  • Data is used often
  • Apps need to be very fast
  • Databases are too busy

Things to Watch Out For

Using in-memory caching can be tricky:

Problem What It Means
Data can disappear If the app restarts, cached data is lost
Keeping data up-to-date Making sure cache matches the database
Needs lots of memory Can be costly if you need to store a lot

To use in-memory caching well, plan carefully and check how it's working often.

10. Time-Based Caching

Time-based caching, also called Time-To-Live (TTL) caching, sets a time limit for how long data stays in the cache. This helps keep information up-to-date and saves computer memory.

How It Works

To use time-based caching:

  1. Set a time limit for each item in the cache
  2. When the time is up, get new data from the main source
  3. Put the new data in the cache

How It Helps Speed

Time-based caching makes things faster:

Good Thing Why It Helps
New information Users get the latest data
Saves memory Old data is removed automatically
Same info everywhere All parts of the system have the same data

Where It's Used

Time-based caching works well for:

  • Weather apps
  • Stock market updates
  • News websites
  • Social media feeds
  • Online stores (for prices and stock levels)

Things to Watch Out For

Using time-based caching can be tricky:

Problem What It Means
Choosing the right time limit Balancing new data with saving resources
Working with many computers Making sure all caches update at the right time
Keeping data the same All parts of the system should have the same information

To use time-based caching well, you need to think about how often your data changes and how much computer power you have.


We've looked at ten ways to use cloud caching in online marketplaces. Each method has its own good points and challenges. By knowing how these methods work, you can pick the best one for your needs.

When choosing a caching method, think about:

  • What kind of data you have
  • How much data you have
  • How often your data changes
  • How important it is to have the newest data
  • How well your system can handle problems
  • How fast you need to read and write data

Picking the right caching method can help your website or app:

Benefit How It Helps
Work faster Users get information more quickly
Handle more users The system can serve more people at once
Be more reliable The website or app is less likely to crash

Keep checking how your caching is working. As your needs change, you might need to change your caching method too.

What's next for cloud caching in online marketplaces? As more people use these websites and apps, we'll likely see new ways to make caching even better. Keep learning about new caching methods to keep your online marketplace working well.


Does caching improve performance?

Yes, caching makes websites and apps work faster. Here's how:

What Caching Does How It Helps
Stores often-used data nearby Gets information quickly
Uses less network traffic Saves time and resources
Keeps data in fast storage Finds data very quickly

Caching helps by:

  • Making apps respond faster
  • Letting more people use the app at once
  • Giving users a better experience

When data is in the cache:

  • It's much quicker to get than from a hard drive
  • The app can find it in less than a second
  • The main database doesn't have to work as hard

This means:

  • Websites load faster
  • Apps run more smoothly
  • Servers can handle more work

By using caching, cloud-based apps can:

  • Work better when busy
  • Stay up and running more easily
  • Make users happier because things work quickly

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