Local Backlink Outreach: 10 Tips for 2024

published on 18 July 2024

Here's a quick guide to boost your local SEO through backlink outreach:

  1. Research your local market
  2. Personalize your outreach
  3. Use local events and sponsorships
  4. Create locally-relevant content
  5. Use local business directories
  6. Engage with local influencers and bloggers
  7. Offer value to local partners
  8. Optimize for local keywords
  9. Use local press and media
  10. Find and fix missing links to your business
Tip Key Benefit
Research local market Understand target audience
Personalize outreach Build trust with potential link partners
Use local events Get links from event pages
Create local content Attract links from area websites
Use business directories Improve local search visibility
Engage influencers Gain exposure to local audiences
Offer value to partners Build mutually beneficial relationships
Optimize local keywords Rank higher in local searches
Use local media Earn links from trusted news sources
Fix missing links Turn mentions into backlinks

These tips will help you get more local backlinks, improve your search rankings, and bring more customers to your website.

1. Research Your Local Market

To get local backlinks, you need to know your area well. Here's how to do it:

Know Your Customers

Find out who your local customers are. What do they need? What problems do they have? Make content that answers their questions. This helps you get links from local websites that your customers visit.

Look at Other Local Businesses

See what links other local businesses have. Use tools like Ahrefs, Moz, or SEMrush to check their backlinks. This shows you what kinds of websites might link to you too.

Look for ways to get local links:

Where to Look Examples
Online directories Yelp, Google My Business
Social media Facebook groups, LinkedIn
Local events Sponsorships, partnerships

2. Personalize Your Outreach

Making your outreach personal is important for getting local backlinks. When you write emails that fit each person or website, you show you care about their needs. This helps build trust and makes it more likely they'll link to you.

Learn About Who You're Contacting

Before you reach out, find out:

  • What kind of content they make
  • Who they write for
  • Who they've worked with before
  • What problems they might have

This info helps you write emails that connect with them.

Make Your Emails Fit Each Person

Don't use the same email for everyone. Instead, make emails that:

Do This Example
Use their name "Hi John,"
Talk about their website "I liked your article about local coffee shops"
Say how you can help "I have some tips that could help your readers"
Ask for something clearly "Would you like to include a link to my guide?"

3. Use Local Events and Sponsorships

Local events and sponsorships can help you get good links to your website. Here's how to do it:

Ask Local Bloggers for Help

Talk to bloggers in your area who write about things related to your business. Ask them to tell people about your event. Give them some text they can easily put on their websites. This helps you:

  • Get more people to know about your event
  • Get links from the bloggers' websites

Use Social Media to Tell People

Use Facebook and Twitter to let people know about your event. Here's what to do:

Step Action
1 Start telling people early
2 Spend a little money on Facebook ads
3 Keep posting about the event

This helps more people see your event and can lead to more links.

Help Local Partners

When you sponsor local events or charities, give something back to them. Put a link to your website on their site. This does two things:

  1. Builds a good relationship with them
  2. Gets you a good link from their website

4. Create Locally-Relevant Content

Making content that matters to your local area helps you get more local backlinks. This kind of content:

  • Connects with people nearby
  • Shows you know your area well
  • Makes local websites more likely to link to you

Location-Specific Landing Pages

Make web pages for each area you work in. On these pages:

Include Examples
Local keywords City names, neighborhood names
Business info Address, phone number, hours
Directions How to get to your business

Blog Posts About Local Topics

Write about things happening in your area:

  • Local events
  • News that affects your business
  • Common questions people in your area have

Use local words in your blog titles and throughout your posts.

Local Pictures and Videos

Show your business in local settings:

Content Type Ideas
Videos Your products being used locally
Pictures Local landmarks near your business
Images Your team at community events

Make sure to name your files with local words and add descriptions that mention your area.

5. Use Local Business Directories

Local business directories can help you get more backlinks and make your business easier to find online. These directories list local businesses and can send people to your website.

Why Local Business Directories Help

These directories:

  • Help search engines know where your business is
  • Make it easier for people to find you online
  • Can bring more people to your website
  • Help you get more customers

Best Local Business Directories

Here are some good directories to list your business in:

Directory What It Does
Google My Business Free listing on Google
Yelp People can review your business
Bing Places Helps you show up on Bing searches
Chamber of Commerce Lists local businesses
Yellow Pages Online version of the phone book

How to Make Good Directory Listings

When you add your business to these directories:

  • Use the same name, address, and phone number everywhere
  • Add good photos and videos of your business
  • Write clear descriptions with words people might search for
  • Ask happy customers to leave reviews
  • Keep your listings up to date

6. Engage with Local Influencers and Bloggers

Working with local influencers and bloggers can help you get more links to your website and make more people know about your business. These people often have many followers who trust what they say.

Here's how to find and work with local influencers:

Finding Local Influencers

You can find local influencers in these ways:

Method How to Do It
Social Media Look for hashtags about your area on Instagram and Twitter
Special Websites Use sites like Reelio, BuzzSumo, or BuzzStream to find influencers near you

Working with Influencers

Once you find influencers:

  1. Check their content to make sure it fits with your business
  2. Ask if they want to work together
  3. Offer them something, like a free product or special access to your business
  4. Be clear about what you want them to do

Tips for Good Influencer Partnerships

Do This Why It Helps
Research the influencer Makes sure they're a good fit for your business
Give them good content Helps them talk about your business better
Be clear about what you want Avoids misunderstandings
Build a relationship Makes working together easier
Check how well it worked Helps you improve next time

7. Offer Value to Local Partners

Working with local partners can help you get more links and make your business easier to find online. Here's how to do it:

Team Up for Social Media Shoutouts

Work with other local businesses to share each other's posts on social media. This helps both of you:

What to Do Why It Helps
Share each other's posts More people see your business
Tag each other Shows you work together
Use local hashtags Makes it easier for local people to find you

Work Together on Local Events

Join with other businesses for things like street fairs or charity events. This helps you:

  • Meet more local people
  • Show you care about your area
  • Build good relationships with other businesses
Event Ideas How It Helps Your Business
Street fairs Meet lots of local people at once
Charity events Show you care about your community
Local markets Sell your products and meet other business owners

Why Working with Local Partners is Good

Benefit How It Helps
More people visit your website Makes your business easier to find online
People know your business better More people learn about what you do
Shows up better in local searches Google sees your business as important in your area
Makes friends with other businesses They might help promote your business too

8. Optimize for Local Keywords

Using local keywords helps your business show up in local searches. This means putting words about your location on your website and in your Google My Business profile. Here's how to do it:

  1. Find good local keywords
  2. Use these words on your website
  3. Make sure Google knows where you are

How to Find Local Keywords

Use tools to find words people search for in your area:

Tool What It Does
Google Keyword Planner Shows you popular search words
Semrush Helps find local search terms
Ahrefs Gives ideas for keywords

Where to Put Local Keywords

Put your local keywords in these places:

Where Why
Page titles Helps search engines understand your page
Meta descriptions Makes people want to click on your site
Headings Breaks up your content and uses keywords
Main text Puts keywords throughout your content
Image descriptions Helps your images show up in searches

Tips for Using Local Keywords

  • Use words that make sense for your business
  • Don't overuse keywords - make it sound natural
  • Update your content often with new local information

9. Use Local Press and Media

Getting local press and media to talk about your business can help you get good links from trusted sources. Here's how to do it:

Find Local News Outlets

Look for local news websites, papers, and reporters who write about businesses like yours. Make a list of these places and people. This helps you know who to talk to.

Talk to Reporters

Before you ask them to write about you, try to get to know the reporters. You can:

  • Comment on their stories
  • Share their work on social media
  • Send them a short hello email

This makes them more likely to listen when you have a story.

Write a Good Story Pitch

When you tell reporters about your story:

Do This Don't Do This
Make it interesting Use hard-to-understand words
Keep it short Try to sell your business
Focus on what's new Write too much

Keep in Touch

After you send your story:

  1. Answer any questions they have
  2. Thank them if they write about you
  3. Share their story on your social media

This helps you build a good relationship with them. They might write about you again later.

Tips for Working with Local Media

What to Do Why It Helps
Be quick to answer Shows you're easy to work with
Give clear info Makes their job easier
Offer good photos Makes your story more interesting
Be honest Builds trust with reporters

It's important to look for places where people talk about your business online but don't link to your website. Finding these mentions and asking for links can help more people find your business online.

You can use tools to find when people talk about your business:

Tool What It Does
Google Alerts Tells you when your business name shows up online
Brand24 Finds mentions of your business on social media
Ahrefs Content Explorer Looks for your business name on websites

What to Do When You Find a Mention

When you find someone talking about your business:

  1. Thank them for mentioning you
  2. Ask nicely if they can add a link to your website
  3. Offer to give them more info if they need it

Why This Helps

Getting links from places that already talk about you:

  • Makes it easier for people to find your website
  • Helps your business show up better in search results
  • Shows that other websites think your business is good


Getting local backlinks is key for local SEO in 2024. By using the 10 tips in this guide, you can:

  • Show up better in local searches
  • Get more people to visit your website
  • Turn more visitors into customers

Remember, building local links is about:

  • Making friends in your community
  • Giving something useful
  • Getting local influencers and bloggers to trust you

It's not just about links. It's about becoming known and respected in your area.

Don't worry if you don't see results right away. Building local links takes time and work. Keep giving value to your community, and the links will come.

Benefits of Local Backlink Outreach
Better local search rankings
More people see you online
More website visitors
More sales
People trust your business more

By focusing on local backlinks, you can make your business stand out online in your area.

Ready to start? Use these tips now to boost your local SEO in 2024!

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