Local PPC Guide for Online Marketplaces 2024

published on 15 June 2024

Local PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising allows you to show online ads to customers in specific geographic areas, helping online marketplaces connect with nearby customers searching for their products or services. This targeted approach ensures your ads reach the right local audience, driving more cost-effective conversions.

Key Benefits of Local PPC for Online Marketplaces:

  • Targeted Reach: Show ads only to users in desired locations, increasing relevance
  • Cost-Effective: Pay only when someone clicks your ad, maximizing ad spend
  • Measurable Results: Track clicks, conversions, and optimize campaigns
  • Increased Visibility: Appear at the top of local search results, boosting online presence

To succeed with local PPC, you need to:

  • Understand your local customers and their search intent
  • Conduct thorough local keyword research
  • Geotarget and create location-specific ads and landing pages
  • Track and analyze campaign data to optimize performance
  • Leverage advanced tactics like location-based marketing and AI optimization
  • Stay updated on new trends like voice search and online marketplaces

Quick Comparison: Local PPC Platforms

Platform Key Local Features
Google Ads Location targeting, Google My Business integration
Microsoft Advertising Similar to Google Ads, targets Bing and Yahoo users
Facebook Location-based targeting, custom audiences
Instagram Location tagging, Instagram Shopping

By following this comprehensive guide, online marketplaces can effectively leverage local PPC to drive more targeted traffic, conversions, and sales from nearby customers.

Get to Know Your Local Customers

Understanding your local customers is key to creating effective local PPC campaigns. To target the right audience, you need to know who they are, what they want, and how they behave.

Who Are Your Local Customers?

Your local customers are people living in your target area, searching for products or services like yours. To create a clear picture of your ideal customer, consider:

  • Age: What's the average age of your target audience?
  • Gender: Are your customers mostly male or female?
  • Income level: What's the average income of your target audience?
  • Interests: What hobbies or activities do your customers enjoy?
  • Behaviors: What are their buying habits, preferences, and challenges?

Research Your Local Market

Conducting market research helps you gather valuable insights about your target audience. Here are some techniques to get started:

  • Surveys: Create online or offline surveys to collect data about customer preferences, behaviors, and challenges.
  • Focus groups: Organize focus groups to discuss your products or services with a small, diverse group of customers.
  • Analyze existing data: Review your website analytics, customer reviews, and social media interactions to identify patterns and trends.

Create Customer Profiles

A customer profile is a detailed representation of your ideal customer. It helps you understand their needs, goals, and behaviors, enabling you to create targeted local PPC campaigns. To create a customer profile:

  • Identify your customer's goals and challenges
  • Determine their preferred communication channels
  • Develop a profile with demographics, interests, and behaviors
  • Use this profile to guide your local PPC strategy and ad creation
Customer Profile Details
Goals What are their main goals or objectives?
Challenges What challenges or pain points do they face?
Demographics Age, gender, income level, location, etc.
Interests Hobbies, activities, topics of interest
Behaviors Buying habits, preferences, online behavior
Communication Channels Where do they spend time online or offline?

Local Keyword Research

Why Local Keywords Matter

Local keywords are words or phrases that include a location name. They help your ads show up for people searching for products or services near them. Using local keywords:

  • Improves Relevance: Your ads appear for searches related to your business location, making them more relevant to potential customers.
  • Boosts Visibility: Optimizing for local keywords helps your ads rank higher in search results for local queries, improving visibility.
  • Increases Conversions: Customers searching with local intent are often ready to buy, making them more likely to convert when they see relevant, location-specific ads.

Tools for Finding Local Keywords

Several tools can help you find the right local keywords for your PPC campaigns:

  • Google Keyword Planner: This free tool from Google Ads lets you search for keywords and filter by location, showing local search volumes and competition levels.
  • SEMrush: SEMrush offers tools to analyze local search trends, track your local rankings, and find keyword gaps compared to competitors.
  • Analyze Competitors: Look at the ads and website content of local competitors to see the local keywords they're targeting.
  • Customer Data: Check customer reviews, social media interactions, and website search queries to find the local keywords and phrases your target audience uses.

Using Local Keywords

Once you've found relevant local keywords, use them in your PPC campaigns:

  • Ad Copy: Include local keywords in your ad headlines and descriptions to increase relevance and improve click-through rates.
  • Landing Pages: Optimize your landing pages with local keywords and location-specific content to provide a seamless experience for potential customers.
  • Negative Keywords: Use negative keywords to exclude irrelevant searches and improve the targeting of your local campaigns.

Understand Local Search Intent

Local search intent refers to why a user is searching for something. Understanding this can help you refine your keyword strategy and create more targeted campaigns:

Search Intent Description Example
Informational Seeking general information about a product or service, often including location modifiers "best restaurants in New York"
Transactional Ready to make a purchase, often including specific product or service names and location details "buy iPhone 14 in Los Angeles"
Navigational Looking for a specific business or website, often including the business name and location "Starbucks near me"

Targeting Local Areas for PPC Ads

Geotargeting is key for local PPC campaigns. It lets you show ads to people in specific areas, helping you reach customers near your business.

Define Your Target Locations

First, decide which areas you want to target:

  • City targeting: Show ads to people in a certain city or metro area, like New York City or Los Angeles.
  • Radius targeting: Target a radius around your business location, like 10 miles from your store in downtown Chicago.
  • Exclude irrelevant areas: Don't show ads in locations that aren't relevant to your business, like excluding non-English areas in a multilingual city.

Set Up Geotargeting

Setting up geotargeting is straightforward:

  1. Go to your PPC platform's campaign settings and find the "Locations" or "Geotargeting" section.
  2. Select the locations you want to target, like cities, states, or zip codes.
  3. For radius targeting, enter your business location and the radius you want to target.
  4. Exclude any irrelevant locations from your targeting.

Best Practices for Geotargeting

To get the most out of geotargeting:

  • Use location keywords: Include location names in your ad copy and landing pages to boost relevance.
  • Add location extensions: Show your business address, phone number, and directions with location extensions.
  • Monitor and adjust: Regularly check your campaign's performance and update your geotargeting as needed.
  • Use negative keywords: Exclude irrelevant searches with negative keywords to improve targeting.
  • Try geotargeting tools: Tools like Google Trends can provide insights into local search trends to optimize your campaigns.

Make Your Ads and Landing Pages Local

To get more local customers, your ads and landing pages need to feel local too. Here's how to do it:

Write Ads for Local Audiences

  • Use words and phrases people in that area would use
  • Mention local landmarks, neighborhoods, or popular spots
  • Include the location name in your ad copy

For example, if targeting New York City, you could say "Find the best pizza in Brooklyn" instead of just "Find great pizza."

Optimize Landing Pages for Local Visitors

Your landing pages should also feel local:

  • Talk about local events or news
  • Show testimonials from customers in that area
  • Highlight products or services popular with locals

If targeting Los Angeles, you could feature a Hollywood celebrity who uses your product.

Add Location Extensions

Location extensions make your ads even more local:

Extension What It Shows
Address Your business address
Phone Your phone number
Directions How to get to your location

With location extensions, people can easily find and visit your local business.


Track and Optimize Local PPC

Monitoring and fine-tuning your local PPC campaigns is crucial to get the most value from your advertising budget. Here, we'll cover the key metrics to track, how to set up conversion tracking, analyze campaign data, and test and refine your strategy.

Key Metrics

When tracking local PPC campaigns, focus on these key metrics:

  • Click-through rate (CTR): The percentage of users who click your ad after seeing it.
  • Conversion rate: The percentage of users who complete a desired action on your website, like filling out a form or making a purchase.
  • Cost per conversion: The cost of each conversion, which helps determine the campaign's return on investment (ROI).
  • Return on ad spend (ROAS): The revenue generated by your campaign divided by the cost of the campaign.

Set Up Conversion Tracking

To set up conversion tracking:

  1. Go to your Google Ads account and click "Conversions" in the navigation menu.
  2. Click "New conversion action" and select the type of conversion to track (e.g., form submissions, purchases).
  3. Enter the conversion action details, such as the conversion value and category.
  4. Click "Save" to create the conversion action.

Analyze Campaign Data

Once conversion tracking is set up, analyze your campaign data to see how your ads perform:

  • Segment your data: Segment by location, device, and ad group to understand performance in different contexts.
  • Look for trends: Identify which ads perform well and which underperform.
  • Find areas for improvement: Pinpoint areas to optimize, such as ad copy or targeting.

Test and Refine

Use the insights from your data analysis to test and refine your strategy:

  • Test ad copy: Try different ad copy to see which performs better.
  • Refine targeting: Adjust targeting to reach the right audience.
  • Adjust budgets: Increase budgets for high-performing campaigns and reduce budgets for underperformers.
  • Optimize keywords: Add or remove keywords based on performance.
  • Update landing pages: Improve landing pages to increase conversions.
Testing Approach Description
A/B Testing Compare two versions of an ad or landing page to see which performs better.
Multivariate Testing Test multiple elements (e.g., headline, description, image) simultaneously.
Split Testing Divide traffic between different versions to determine the most effective option.

Continuously monitor, test, and refine your local PPC campaigns to maximize their effectiveness and return on investment.

Local PPC Platforms and Tools

Managing local PPC campaigns requires the right platforms and tools. Here are some popular options:

PPC Platforms

  • Google Ads: The most widely used PPC platform, with features for local businesses like location targeting and Google My Business integration.
  • Microsoft Advertising (Bing Ads): Similar to Google Ads, but targets users on Bing and Yahoo search engines.
  • Facebook: Offers location-based targeting and custom audiences for local businesses.
  • Instagram: Ideal for visually-driven local businesses, with features like location tagging and Instagram Shopping.

Tools for Managing Local PPC

  • Index Rusher: Manages and optimizes Google My Business listings, including bulk uploads and review management.
  • Listing Bot: Automates local SEO tasks like listing management and review tracking.
  • AdEspresso: Creates, targets, and reports on Facebook and Instagram ads.

Integrating with Other Marketing Channels

To maximize your local PPC campaigns:

  • SEO: Optimize your website for local search terms to complement your PPC efforts.
  • Social Media: Use social media to drive website traffic and increase brand awareness.
  • Email Marketing: Nurture leads and drive conversions, especially for high-value local products or services.
PPC Platform Key Features for Local Businesses
Google Ads Location targeting, Google My Business integration
Microsoft Advertising Similar to Google Ads, targets Bing and Yahoo users
Facebook Location-based targeting, custom audiences
Instagram Location tagging, Instagram Shopping
Management Tool Primary Use
Index Rusher Manage and optimize Google My Business listings
Listing Bot Automate local SEO tasks like listing management
AdEspresso Create, target, and report on Facebook/Instagram ads

Advanced Local PPC Tactics

Here are some advanced techniques to boost the performance of your local PPC campaigns:

Location-Based Marketing

Location-based marketing allows you to target users in specific geographic areas. Techniques like geofencing, proximity marketing, and beacons/BLE technology enable you to deliver ads and promotions to users within a certain radius of your physical location. For example, a coffee shop can use geofencing to target users within a 1-mile radius of their store and offer them a discount on their next purchase.

To implement location-based marketing, you can use location-based targeting options in Google Ads or Facebook Ads. You can also leverage location-based data from mobile devices, such as GPS coordinates, to target users in specific areas.

Dynamic Ads and Landing Pages

Dynamic ads and landing pages help you deliver personalized experiences to local users. By using dynamic ad copy and customized landing pages, you can tailor your messaging and offers to specific locations, increasing the relevance and effectiveness of your ads.

For example, a car dealership can create dynamic ads that display the nearest location to the user, along with offers and promotions specific to that location. Similarly, a restaurant can create customized landing pages that showcase their menu and promotions for a particular location.

AI for PPC Optimization

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can help you optimize your PPC campaigns. AI-powered tools can automate tasks like keyword research, ad copy generation, and bid optimization, freeing up time for strategy and creativity.

AI can also help you identify patterns and trends in your PPC data, enabling you to make more informed decisions about your campaigns. For example, AI-powered tools can analyze user behavior and identify opportunities to improve ad relevance and conversion rates.

Technique Description
Location-Based Marketing Target users in specific geographic areas using geofencing, proximity marketing, and beacons/BLE technology.
Dynamic Ads and Landing Pages Tailor ad copy and landing pages to specific locations, increasing relevance and effectiveness.
AI for PPC Optimization Use AI-powered tools to automate tasks, identify patterns, and optimize campaigns for better performance.

Local PPC for Different Businesses

Different types of businesses have unique needs when it comes to local PPC. Understanding these needs is key to creating effective campaigns that drive results.

Business-Specific Considerations

Here are some examples of how local PPC needs can vary:

  • Local Services (Plumbers, Electricians): Need to target specific areas and highlight their service offerings.
  • Retail (Clothing Stores, Restaurants): Must drive foot traffic to physical locations.
  • Real Estate: Need to target neighborhoods and showcase listings.
  • Travel (Hotels, Tour Operators): Must target destinations and highlight unique offerings.

By understanding each business's unique needs, you can create tailored local PPC campaigns that resonate with your target audience.

Success Stories

Here are some examples of successful local PPC campaigns:

Business Campaign Results
Plumbing Company (NYC) Targeted specific neighborhoods 30% more conversions
Clothing Store (LA) Targeted shoppers within 1 mile 25% more foot traffic
Real Estate Company (Miami) Used dynamic ads for neighborhoods 40% more leads
Hotel Chain (Las Vegas) Used AI to target amenity searches 20% more bookings

These examples show how local PPC can drive results for different businesses by addressing their unique needs and challenges.

Future of Local PPC

The future of local PPC is rapidly changing, with new trends and technologies emerging. One major development is the rise of voice search optimization. As virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant become more popular, businesses need to optimize their ads for voice search to ensure visibility.

Another trend is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in local PPC. AI can automate tasks like bid management and ad targeting, allowing businesses to focus on strategy. AI can also analyze data to provide insights into customer behavior, enabling more targeted ads.

Online Marketplaces and Local PPC

The growth of online marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and Google Shopping will impact local PPC. As more businesses shift to online marketplaces, local PPC will need to adapt. This may involve creating ads tailored to these platforms and using AI to optimize targeting and bidding.

The rise of online marketplaces will also increase competition for local businesses. To stay ahead, businesses will need to create high-quality, targeted ads that resonate with their audience. They will also need a strong online presence with accurate business listings and reviews.

Trend Description
Voice Search Optimization Optimize ads for virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa
AI in Local PPC Use AI for tasks like bid management and ad targeting
Online Marketplaces Create ads tailored to platforms like Amazon and eBay
Increased Competition Focus on high-quality, targeted ads and online presence

Overall, the future of local PPC is rapidly evolving. By staying ahead of new trends and technologies, businesses can remain competitive and drive results from their online advertising efforts.


Key Points

In this guide, we covered essential strategies for local PPC success:

  • Understanding local customers and their search intent
  • Conducting thorough local keyword research
  • Geotargeting and creating location-specific ads
  • Optimizing landing pages for local audiences
  • Tracking and analyzing campaign data
  • Using advanced local PPC tactics and tools
  • Adapting to new trends and technologies


To achieve local PPC success, remember to:

  • Stay updated on the latest best practices
  • Continuously monitor and optimize campaigns
  • Focus on high-quality, targeted ads for your local audience
  • Maintain an accurate online presence with business listings and reviews
  • Use AI and automation to streamline tasks and improve efficiency

Additional Resources

For staying updated on local PPC:

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