OpenID Connect Setup Guide for Marketplaces

published on 12 July 2024

OpenID Connect (OIDC) is an authentication protocol that helps verify user identities and get profile information. Here's what you need to know to set it up for your marketplace:

  • OIDC builds on OAuth 2.0, adding user authentication and Single Sign-On
  • It improves security, is easy to set up, and enables Single Sign-On
  • You'll need knowledge of OAuth 2.0, JWTs, SSL/TLS, and HTTP requests
  • Common providers include Okta, Auth0, Google, and Omnidefend

Key steps to set up OIDC:

  1. Choose an identity provider and register your app
  2. Add OIDC to your marketplace backend and frontend
  3. Set up user sessions and handle login/logout
  4. Customize scopes to get needed user information
  5. Implement security best practices like protecting secrets
  6. Test and troubleshoot common issues
Flow Type Best For Security Level
Authorization Code Web/mobile apps Highest
Implicit Browser-based apps Lowest
Hybrid Apps needing different token types Medium

Remember to balance security and usability, handle mobile authentication carefully, and keep your implementation up-to-date.

Before You Start

Required Technical Skills

To set up OpenID Connect, you should know about:

  • OAuth 2.0
  • JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
  • SSL/TLS certificates
  • HTTP requests, responses, and headers

If you're not familiar with these, take some time to learn about them first.

Tools and Resources You'll Need

Here's what you need to set up OpenID Connect:

Tool/Resource Examples
OpenID Connect provider Okta, Auth0, Google
Marketplace platform Sharetribe, Salesforce
Code editor or IDE Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ IDEA
Web browser Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox
JWT decoder tool (optional) -

Common OpenID Connect Providers

OpenID Connect

Here are some popular OpenID Connect providers:

Provider What it does
Okta Manages user identities and access
Auth0 Handles user sign-ins for web, mobile, and IoT
Google Lets users sign in with Google accounts
Omnidefend Helps with user sign-ins and permissions

Look into each provider to see which one works best for your marketplace.

OpenID Connect Flows Explained

OpenID Connect (OIDC) has three main ways to check who users are: Authorization Code Flow, Implicit Flow, and Hybrid Flow. Each one works best for different situations. Let's look at how they work and when to use them.

Authorization Code Flow

This is the safest way to use OIDC. It's good for apps that can keep secrets safe, like web and mobile apps.

How it works When to use it
1. App asks for a code - Web apps
2. Code is traded for tokens - Mobile apps
3. Tokens stay hidden from users - When safety is key

Implicit Flow

This way is less safe and not the best choice for new apps. It's for apps that can't keep secrets, like those that run in web browsers.

How it works When to use it
1. App asks for tokens directly - Browser-based apps
2. Tokens are sent to the app - When you can't avoid it

Note: Be careful with this flow. It's not as safe as others.

Hybrid Flow

This flow mixes the first two. It's good when you need both types of tokens that OIDC can give.

How it works When to use it
1. App asks for a code and some tokens - Apps that need different tokens
2. More tokens are gotten with the code - When you need to check users and use protected info

Choosing the Right Flow for Your Marketplace

Pick your flow based on what your marketplace needs:

If you need Choose
Top safety Authorization Code Flow
To work in browsers Implicit Flow (but be careful)
Both kinds of tokens Hybrid Flow

Setting Up OpenID Connect: Step-by-Step

This guide will help you set up OpenID Connect for your digital marketplace. We'll cover three main areas: setting up the identity provider, adding OpenID Connect to your marketplace, and handling user sessions.

Setting Up the Identity Provider

To set up the identity provider:

  1. Register your app on the provider's website
  2. Get your client ID and secret
  3. Set up redirect URIs
Step Action
1 Create an account on the provider's site
2 Fill in your app details
3 Note down your client ID and secret
4 Add your redirect URIs

Adding OpenID Connect to Your Marketplace

To add OpenID Connect:

  1. Set up your backend
  2. Update your frontend
Area Task
Backend Create an endpoint for auth code and token exchange
Frontend Add login button that sends users to the provider

Handling User Sessions

To handle user sessions:

  1. Create and store sessions
  2. Save user info
  3. Add logout feature
  4. Manage session timeouts
Action Details
Create session Store in database or secure cookie
Save user info Keep username and email in session
Add logout End session and return to login page
Set timeout End session after set time

Tailoring OpenID Connect to Your Marketplace

This section covers how to customize OpenID Connect for your digital marketplace. We'll look at getting more user info, making login better, and adding extra security.

Getting More User Information

You can ask for more user details when setting up OpenID Connect. This is done by using scopes in your authorization request. Scopes let you ask for specific user info.

Here are some common scopes:

Scope What it gets
profile User's name, picture, etc.
email User's email address
phone User's phone number
address User's address

To get this info:

  1. Add the scopes you want to your authorization request
  2. The user agrees to share this info
  3. You get the info in an ID Token or from the /userinfo endpoint

Making Login Better

A good login experience helps users trust your marketplace. OpenID Connect has ways to make login fit your brand.

You can improve login by:

Method What it does
Using prompt parameter Controls if users need to log in again
Using display parameter Changes how the login screen looks

For example, you could use display=popup to show login in a small window.

Adding Extra Security

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) makes your marketplace safer. It asks users for more than just a password to log in.

To add MFA:

  1. Set up your identity provider to use MFA
  2. Choose what extra steps users need to take

Here are some common MFA methods:

Method How it works
One-time password Sends a code to the user's phone or email
Biometrics Uses fingerprints or face recognition
Smart card Uses a special card or device

Keeping Your Setup Secure

This section covers key steps to keep your OpenID Connect setup safe. We'll look at how to protect client secrets, check ID tokens, and stop CSRF attacks.

Safeguarding Client Secrets

Client secrets are key to keeping your OpenID Connect setup safe. Here's how to protect them:

Action Description
Use a secrets manager Store secrets in a safe, encrypted place
Limit access Only let people who need them use the secrets
Change secrets often Swap out old secrets for new ones regularly
Don't put secrets in code Never write secrets directly in your code

Checking ID Tokens

ID tokens prove who users are. To make sure they're real:

  1. Check the token's signature with the provider's public key
  2. Make sure the token hasn't expired
  3. Check that the token is meant for your app

Preventing CSRF Attacks

CSRF attacks can harm your OpenID Connect setup. Here's how to stop them:

Method How it works
Use the state parameter Track user sessions in auth requests
Check the state parameter Make sure it matches when users come back
Use a CSRF token Add an extra check to your login form

Fixing Common Problems

Here's how to solve frequent issues when setting up and using OpenID Connect.

Dealing with Authentication Errors

When you face authentication errors:

  1. Check the error message
  2. Set log level to debug
  3. Look at the OpenID Connect troubleshooting guide

Example of an error message:

idsvr-local-curity-idsvr-1  | se.curity.identityserver.sdk.errors.ExternalServiceException: Facebook user-info endpoint returned error: 400

Solving Token Validation Issues

If your ID token isn't working:

Step Action
1 Check the token's signature
2 Make sure it hasn't expired
3 Verify it's for your app

For JWT bearer token issues, look at the error stack trace:

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simon-d opened this issue

Feb 22, 2019

ยท 7 comments

## Comments
|     |
| --- |
| All authenticated requests using a JWT bearer token fail when running in an Azure App Service.<br><br>Steps to reproduce:<br><br>Clone last OC, build and deploy to an Azure App service, then enable the OpenId Authorization Server module  <br><br>Setup Open Id Authorization server to use JWT tokens  <br><br>Setup an openId public client to connect using the implicit flow.  <br><br>Use postman to a valid access token, then make a request to the /connect/userinfo endpoint.<br><br>Expected result:<br><br>Http 200 with JSON payload containing the Sub Id number<br><br>Actual result:<br><br>Http 401 Unauthorized  <br><br>Doing these same setup steps and running locally, the request to /connect/userinfo works successfully, so it is something to do with running in Azure App Service that is causing the issue. This was working until recently. |
| The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: |

Fixing Redirect URI Mismatches

If your redirect URI isn't working:

Problem Solution
URI mismatch Make sure the URI in your request matches the one you registered
Other issues Check the OpenID Connect troubleshooting guide

Tips for Using OpenID Connect in Marketplaces

Here are some helpful tips for using OpenID Connect in your marketplace:

Using Refresh Tokens

Refresh tokens help keep users logged in without making them sign in again. Here's how to use them well:

Tip Why it's important
Store tokens safely Stops others from using them
Handle token cancellation Keeps user accounts safe

Making Authentication Work Well on Mobile

Mobile devices need special care for login. Try these ideas:

Tip How it helps
Make login fit small screens Easier for users to type and see
Use phone-friendly login methods Makes logging in quick and easy
Plan for network changes Keeps users logged in when switching between Wi-Fi and cell data

Balancing Security and Ease of Use

It's tricky to make login both safe and easy. Here are some ways to do it:

Strategy What it does
Change login steps based on risk Asks for more info only when needed
Use simple login screens Makes it clear what users need to do
Give clear instructions Helps users understand the login process


You've finished our OpenID Connect setup guide for marketplaces! You should now know how to set up OpenID Connect for your marketplace, including how to configure it and make it fit your needs.

Let's go over the main points:

Benefits of OpenID Connect Why It's Good
Single sign-on Users log in once for many services
Less user hassle Makes logging in easier
Better security Keeps user info safe
Works for different login needs Fits various situations

When using OpenID Connect, keep these things in mind:

Security Tip What to Do
Stop XSS attacks Be careful with user input
Stop XSRF attacks Use special tokens
Use existing OIDC libraries Don't make your own from scratch
Manage login sessions well Keep track of who's logged in

Remember to keep your OpenID Connect setup up-to-date. This helps keep your marketplace safe and working well. Stay informed about the best ways to use OpenID Connect and how to keep it secure.

By following this guide, you've taken a big step towards making login easy and safe for your users. If you have more questions, check our FAQs or look at the resources we've shared in this guide.

Good job on finishing the OpenID Connect setup guide for marketplaces!


How to set up OpenID Connect in Salesforce?


Here's a simple guide to set up OpenID Connect in Salesforce:

Step Action
1 Sign up your app with Salesforce as the app domain
2 Set up an OpenID Connect auth provider in Salesforce
3 Update your app with Salesforce's callback URL
4 Check if it works

Follow these steps to make Salesforce work with your OpenID provider. This lets users log in to Salesforce using their OpenID accounts.

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