Top 10 Brand Ambassador Software 2024

published on 27 July 2024

Looking for the best brand ambassador software in 2024? Here's a quick overview of the top 10 options:

  1. Birdeye
  2. Brand24
  3. Sociabble
  4. Haiilo
  5. Ambassador
  6. Yotpo
  7. Refersion
  8. GaggleAMP
  9. Firstup
  10. Influitive AdvocateHub

These tools help manage ambassador programs by:

  • Communicating with ambassadors
  • Tracking activities and campaigns
  • Measuring program results
  • Reporting on performance

Key benefits include:

Benefit Description
Efficiency Streamlines management
Time-saving Automates tasks
Cost-effective Reduces manual work
Performance Tracks and improves results
Scalability Supports program growth

When choosing, consider your specific needs, budget, business size, and required features. The right software can help you run a more effective ambassador program and boost your marketing efforts.

Quick Comparison:

Software Key Strength Potential Weakness
Birdeye All-in-one platform Can be expensive
Brand24 Real-time monitoring Limited integrations
Sociabble Good for large teams Costly for small businesses
Haiilo Employee advocacy focus May not suit all needs
Ambassador Customizable Learning curve
Yotpo Customer loyalty tools Pricing not transparent
Refersion Multi-platform tracking Pricey for small businesses
GaggleAMP Easy social sharing Limited integrations
Firstup Content creation tools Not for very large companies
Influitive AdvocateHub Advocate-centric May not scale for big firms

1. Birdeye


Key Features

Birdeye offers tools to help businesses run their brand ambassador programs. Its main features include:

Feature Description
Ambassador Management Manage onboarding, training, and communication
Campaign Management Create and track campaigns, measure results
Content Management Store and share content with ambassadors
Analytics and Reporting Track program performance, make informed decisions

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
Easy to use Can be expensive
Customizable Limited integration with some tools
Grows with your business


Birdeye's cost depends on the number of ambassadors, features, and support level you need. They offer different plans for various business sizes.

What Makes Birdeye Stand Out

  • All-in-One Platform: Offers many tools in one place
  • Detailed Analytics: Helps you understand how well your program is doing
  • Good Support: Provides help when you need it

2. Brand24


Key Features

Brand24 helps businesses manage their brand ambassador programs with these main features:

Feature What it Does
Social Media Monitoring Tracks online mentions of your brand
Sentiment Analysis Checks if online mentions are positive, negative, or neutral
Influencer Identification Finds influential supporters through online mentions
Campaign Management Helps create, track, and measure campaigns
Content Management Stores and shares content with ambassadors
Analytics and Reporting Tracks program performance and provides insights

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
Simple to use Limited integration with some tools
Can be customized May show duplicate data
Grows with your business Less data for smaller businesses
Good customer support


Brand24 offers these pricing plans:

Plan Features Monthly Cost (Yearly Billing)
Individual 3 keywords, 2k mentions $79
Team 7 keywords, 5k mentions $149
Pro 12 keywords, 25k mentions $199
Enterprise 25 keywords, 100k mentions $399

What Makes Brand24 Stand Out

  • All-in-One Platform: Offers many tools in one place
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Quickly tracks online mentions
  • Finds Influencers: Helps identify key brand supporters
  • Can Be Customized: Fits different business needs

3. Sociabble


Key Features

Sociabble offers these main tools for brand ambassador programs:

Feature Purpose
Content Management Store and share content
Campaign Management Create, track, and measure campaigns
Social Media Integration Connect with social platforms for easy sharing
Analytics and Reporting Track results and get insights
Ambassador Management Handle ambassador relationships and tasks

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
Easy to use Few options to change settings
Works for big businesses Can cost a lot for small businesses
Good help for users Doesn't work with some other tools


Sociabble's prices change based on what you need. Here's a basic idea:

Plan What You Get Cost
Basic For 1-10 ambassadors, simple tools Ask for price
Premium For 11-50 ambassadors, more tools Ask for price
Enterprise For 51+ ambassadors, all tools Ask for price

What Makes Sociabble Different

  • Focuses on Ambassadors: Helps build strong ties with ambassadors for better brand promotion.
  • Good Data Reports: Shows how well your program is doing to help you improve.
  • Works for Big Teams: Good for large businesses with many ambassadors.
  • Simple to Use: Easy for anyone to understand and use, even without tech skills.

4. Haiilo


Key Features

Haiilo offers these main tools for brand ambassador programs:

Feature What it Does
Employee Advocacy Helps employees share company content
Social Media Management Handles social media posts
Content Management Stores and shares content with ambassadors
Campaign Management Makes, tracks, and measures campaigns
Analytics and Reporting Shows results and gives insights

Good and Bad Points

Good Points Bad Points
Focuses on employee involvement May not work with all other tools
Easy to use Can be expensive for small businesses
Can be changed to fit your needs


Haiilo's prices change based on what you need. Here's a basic idea:

Plan What You Get Cost
Basic For small teams, simple tools Ask for price
Premium For medium teams, more tools Ask for price
Enterprise For big teams, all tools Ask for price

What Makes Haiilo Different

  • Helps Employees Share: Makes it easy for employees to talk about the company online
  • Simple to Use: Anyone can use it without special training
  • Shows How You're Doing: Gives detailed information about how well your program is working

5. Ambassador


Key Features

Ambassador helps manage brand ambassador programs with these tools:

Feature Purpose
Ambassador Management Handle relationships with ambassadors
Campaign Management Make, track, and measure campaigns
Content Management Store and share content
Analytics and Reporting Show how well campaigns are doing
Integration Works with other marketing tools

Good Points

  • Simple to use
  • Can be changed to fit your needs
  • Works for small and big businesses

Not-So-Good Points

  • Some tasks need to be done by hand
  • Can take time to learn all the features


Ambassador's cost depends on how many ambassadors you have and what tools you need:

| Plan | What You Get | Cost | | --- | --- | | Basic | Up to 100 ambassadors, simple tools | $500/month | | Premium | Up to 1,000 ambassadors, more tools | $2,000/month | | Enterprise | Made for big businesses | Ask for price |

What Makes Ambassador Different

  • Helps Manage Ambassadors: Made to help you work with ambassadors
  • Good at Showing Results: Gives lots of information about how well your program is doing
  • Works with Other Tools: Fits in with other marketing tools you might use

6. Yotpo


Key Features

Yotpo helps businesses manage their brand ambassador programs with these main tools:

Feature What it Does
Loyalty Programs Create and run programs to keep customers coming back
Referral Programs Set up systems for customers to bring in new customers
Customer Reviews Use real customer feedback to show off your products
Software Connections Work with other tools you already use

Good Points

  • Helps keep customers loyal
  • Makes it easy for happy customers to bring in new ones
  • Uses real customer reviews to show off your brand

Not-So-Good Points

  • Not much info about costs and exact features
  • Might be hard to know if it's right for your business without more details

What Makes Yotpo Different

  • All-in-One Tool: Yotpo puts many different ways to work with brand fans in one place
  • Works with Other Tools: Easily fits in with other software you might use


Yotpo doesn't share its prices publicly. You'll need to contact them to find out how much it costs for your business.


7. Refersion


Key Features

Refersion helps businesses run their brand ambassador programs. Here's what it offers:

Feature What it Does
Marketplace Set up campaigns and track how ambassadors are doing
Tracking Watch sales on Amazon, Shopify, and WooCommerce. Figures out payments and checks for fraud
Ambassador Management Handle everything from finding ambassadors to giving them tasks and rewards
Customization Group ambassadors, set different payment rates, and change things to fit your brand
Rewards Show ambassadors what they've earned and give special discounts or free products

Good Points

  • Can be changed to fit what your brand needs
  • Tracks sales on many different websites
  • Helps set up and run big campaigns
  • Lots of tools to work with ambassadors

Not-So-Good Points

  • Might cost too much for small businesses
  • Not much info about the big business plan


Refersion has two plans:

Plan Cost Who It's For
Professional Starts at $89/month Growing businesses that need more tracking options
Enterprise Ask for price Big businesses that need special features

What Makes Refersion Different

  • Can Be Changed: You can set it up to work how you want
  • Tracks Everything: Keeps an eye on sales from many websites
  • Good for Working with Ambassadors: Helps with all parts of running an ambassador program

8. GaggleAMP


Key Features

GaggleAMP helps businesses manage their brand ambassadors. Here's what it offers:

Feature What it Does
Content Library Stores content for ambassadors to use
Social Sharing Lets ambassadors post on social media
Analytics Shows how well the program is doing
Ambassador Management Helps handle ambassador tasks
Customization Changes to fit your brand's needs

Good Points

  • Simple to use
  • Can be changed to fit your needs
  • Gives lots of data about how well it's working

Not-So-Good Points

  • Might not work with all other tools
  • Some users say it's hard to get help when needed


GaggleAMP's cost changes based on what you need. You'll need to ask them for a price.

What Makes GaggleAMP Different

1. Focuses on Ambassadors: Helps ambassadors do their job better, not just manage them

2. Easy Content Sharing: Makes it simple for ambassadors to share about your brand

3. Lots of Data: Shows you how well your ambassador program is working

9. Firstup


Key Features

Firstup helps businesses manage their brand ambassadors. Here's what it offers:

Feature What it Does
Content Creation Lets ambassadors make and share content
Ambassador Onboarding Makes it easy to add new ambassadors
Campaign Management Helps run many campaigns at once
Analytics Shows how well ambassadors and campaigns are doing
Integration Works with other tools to make things easier

Good Points

  • Easy for ambassadors to use
  • Can be set up to fit your business
  • Gives lots of information about how well things are working

Not-So-Good Points

  • Might not work for very big companies
  • Doesn't work with all other tools a business might use


Firstup doesn't show prices on their website. You need to ask them for a price for your business.

What Makes Firstup Different

  1. Helps Ambassadors Do More: Focuses on helping ambassadors make and share content, not just managing them.

  2. Makes Work Easier: Works with other tools to cut down on office tasks.

  3. Uses Numbers to Help: Gives businesses information to make their campaigns better.

10. Influitive AdvocateHub

Influitive AdvocateHub

Key Features

Influitive AdvocateHub helps businesses manage customer advocacy programs. Here's what it offers:

Feature Purpose
Advocate Onboarding Adds new advocates easily
Content Creation Lets advocates make and share content
Campaign Management Runs multiple campaigns at once
Analytics Shows how advocates and campaigns perform

Good Points

  • Helps advocates create and share content
  • Offers good support for businesses
  • Makes it easy to start and run advocacy programs

Not-So-Good Points

  • May not work well for very big companies
  • Might not connect with all other business tools


Influitive AdvocateHub doesn't show prices on their website. You need to ask them for a quote.

What Makes It Different

1. Focuses on Advocates: Helps advocates do more than just manage them

2. Good Support: Offers help to get businesses started and see results

3. Easy to Use: Makes it simple for advocates to share about the brand

How It Compares to Others

Feature Influitive AdvocateHub Other Software
Advocate Focus High Varies
Support Strong Often limited
Ease of Use Very easy Can be complex
Size of Business Small to medium All sizes

Influitive AdvocateHub is good for businesses that want to help their advocates do more. It's easy to use and offers good support, but it might not be the best choice for very large companies.

Good and Bad Points

When picking brand ambassador software, it's important to look at what each one does well and not so well. Here's a quick look at the top 10:

What Most Do Well

  • Help build communities
  • Show how well the program is working
  • Easy to use

What Some Don't Do Well

  • May not work for very big companies
  • Might not work with other tools you use
  • Can be expensive

Comparison Table

Software Does Well Doesn't Do Well
Birdeye Builds community, shows results, easy to use Not for big companies, hard to use with other tools
Brand24 Shows results, tracks things, easy to use Can be costly, hard to change
Sociabble Builds community, easy to use, helps when needed Not for big companies, hard to use with other tools
Haiilo Shows results, tracks things, easy to use Can be costly, hard to change
Ambassador Builds community, easy to use, helps when needed Not for big companies, hard to use with other tools
Yotpo Shows results, tracks things, easy to use Can be costly, hard to change
Refersion Builds community, easy to use, helps when needed Not for big companies, hard to use with other tools
GaggleAMP Shows results, tracks things, easy to use Can be costly, hard to change
Firstup Builds community, easy to use, helps when needed Not for big companies, hard to use with other tools
Influitive AdvocateHub Builds community, easy to use, helps when needed Not for big companies, hard to use with other tools

When choosing brand ambassador software, think about what your business needs. Pick the one that fits best to help your program work well and bring in more customers.


Picking the right brand ambassador software for your business is important. Each of the top 10 options has good and bad points. Some might work better for you than others.

When looking at these options, think about what you need most. Ask yourself:

  • Do you want to build a group of brand ambassadors?
  • Do you need to see how well your program is doing?
  • How much can you spend?
  • How big is your business?
  • How much help do you need?

The best software for you will depend on what your business needs.

Main Points to Remember

What to Consider Why It's Important
Your needs and goals Helps you pick the right features
Important features Ensures the software does what you need
Your budget Makes sure you can afford the software
Business size Some software works better for small or big businesses
Support needed Ensures you get the help you need

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